We decided to be brave and take on two sports with one kid. We have done one sport each kid, but never two "demanding" sports at one time. Not quite sure how this is going to work out yet. Practices just started and I am already ready to pull my hair out. Jake is in spring baseball and he decided he also wanted to run track also, so he can be faster for football and baseball. Schedule for now:
Monday baseball 3:45 - 5:30,
Tuesday track 5-6,
Wednesday baseball 4-5:30,
Thursday track 5-6
Friday baseball 4:30-5:30 AND track 5-6 ( he hasn't been to a track practice yet on Friday).
I may complain, but secretly I enjoy the chaos...shhh don't tell anyone. I am just worried it may be too much on Jake and that Kayti may be feeling left out.